Teams For WooCommerce Memberships
The Teams For WooCommerce Memberships plugin is a powerful way to sell multiple membership “seats” to a group of people with one transaction.
In order to create a team, the plugin requires the team owner to enter the new team name at the time of adding product to the cart.
If you want to sell a Teams Product in your sales funnel, use the following techniques for Primary Product or Upsell.
Create The Team Product
Create the product using the admin Products/Add New tab, and be sure to configure LaunchFlows in the Product Data / LaunchFlows tab for the Checkout Page where you want it to be purchased.
It is also recommended that you configure the product with the “Instant Sales Page” option enabled, so that you hide all distractions from the regular product page layout, such as upsells or recommended products.
If you intend to offer the Teams Product as your Primary Offer, simply use the product page itself as the destination for your Sales Page call to action.
This will allow a buyer to input the name of their team as well as selecting the quantity of seats and if the owner uses one of the seats.
For Upsell Offers
If you wish to offer the team product as an Upsell Offer, the easiest way is to create a “hybrid” page to hold the Team Product as well as a Call To Action Headline and the LaunchFlows Upsell Offer Widget.
Simple create a new page, and preferably with Elementor, add a Headline widget to create and style your call to action (ie: “But Wait…Before You Go!”).
Next, with Elementor Pro, use the Pages Widget to add the Single Product Page you just created for the Teams Product. If you don’t have Elementor Pro, simply use the following syntax with the ID of the Teams Product you just created.
[product_page id="xxx"]
Finally, add the LaunchFlows Upsell Widget below the product page widget, and configure it with the ID of the page where you would like to send visitors if they decline your offer, as well as any tags you would like to assign if the Decline Offer link is clicked.
You should then slide the switches to hide all the other components of the LaunchFlows Upsell Widget except for the Decline Offer link.
For Example: If you wish to send visitors who decline to another offer, such as a Downsell, you would use the page ID of that offer.
ShortCode Method
Although you have far greater control over the layout with Elementor, you may also create a pleasing result in the default WordPress editor by using Shortcodes.
Change the parameters below as required (yes/no) to hide the various components, adjust the text, etc.
Upsell Product (*only product is required)
[lf-upsell product="1234" next="5678" accept="Yes, I Want It!" accept_tags="123,456" decline="No Thanks..." image="yes" title="yes" price="yes"]