
One Page Product & Checkout


This solution is for anyone who has many products and wants to simplify and streamline the checkout of each one with a global sales page and checkout per product.

The side benefit is that marketing automation is easily customized to track the visits and purchase of these products on their own product pages without complicated code or cookies.


It’s easy to turn any product into it’s own sales page, with or without a custom checkout.


First name the product and publish it so you’ll have the product page in the dropdown options for the next step someone should see after they add this product to the cart.

Then choose this product page from that dropdown.

Finally, setup the page someone should be directed to after checkout is compled.

Optionally, you can customize the layout of the product page with the Instant Clean Sales Page option and/or use one of the custom single product templates to allow you to add your own design and sales copy or to reconfigure the checkout components.

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