Create Checkout Pages
Why Multiple Checkout Pages?
LaunchFlows makes it easy to turn any page or post type into a checkout page, including lessons, products or even mdia pages.
This provides you with an incredible amount of flexibility for selling products wherever and whenever you want.
How Many Can I Create?
LaunchFlows allows you to create an unlimited number of checkout pages. This makes it easy to have a unique design or offers on a particular checkout page for a sale or type of buyer.
Required Steps
1. Navigate to WordPress Admin Dashboard
2. Click Pages “Add New”. You can also create a checkout on any other post type, including posts, products, lessons, media page, etc.
3. Click the “Add title” field and give this checkout page a name. Suggest you use “Checkout” if this is the global default checkout page.
4. Scroll down right side of page and find the LaunchFlows Checkout Enable option box. Click the checkbox for “Add A Checkout To This Post”.
5. Click “Publish”
6. Click “View Page” To Inspect Your New Checkout Page.